December 17 2018
Hey everyone, This was a pretty solid week to end off the transfer, talked to a lot of good people and surprisingly enough, no crazy people. We did get to meet with a new family this week, we've been trying to set up a time to meet with them for 2 weeks, but Satan kept throwing them curveballs. But we were finally able to sit down and have a great talk. We got to know them and what they are expecting from us, and we had just enough time to briefly introduce the Book of Mormon then we had to leave so we could get home on time. And it is only because of the extra strength of the Spirit that we were able to get home on time, we had about 4 miles to bike and that should've taken us almost 25 minutes but we managed to do it in 18, screaming into the backyard at 9:28. Then we met with Alex and Mona on Thursday with Sister Gish, who sent us over, and we had an intensely spiritual lesson on the Restoration of the Gospel, Mona told us that she knew the Book of Mormon was true w...