July 1, 2019

Hey Everyone,

This was a relatively uneventful week mainly because of Tuesday. So first Monday, we had walked around a ton that day, and Elder Parkinson had been having problems with his leg already, so needless to say, by Tuesday morning he was in a fair amount of pain, so we had Elder Stubblefield look at it after District Council, and he told us that he has shin splints, which is why it feels like his calf is about to rip in half. So needless to say, we've been resting and he's been putting icy-hot on his leg every couple of hours. 

But we've still been able to go out for a few hours every day; on Wednesday we had to go down to the Inner Harbor Building so Elder Parkinson could do a baptismal interview for someone that the Inner Harbor Elders are teaching, and we were able to go to his baptism on Saturday. We needed to be there to fill the font, then members that I knew started coming and we ended up staying for the whole thing. Afterwards, Elder Stubblefield put some athletic tape, or something of the kind, on Elder Parkinson's leg, and that combined with the icy-hot, has helped heal his leg a lot. 

One of the other exciting things that happened was that we got sick of our air conditioner leaking all over the window sill. Past missionaries had called maintenance about it, we'd called maintenance about it, one time they came out and drained the unit, but the next day it was leaking again. So we decided that we were just going to swap that unit with one of the other window units in our apartment, we have three. So we pulled the first unit out and set it on the ironing board so we could get a better grip on it, but apparently ironing boards aren't meant to hold any weight, so the leg bent like paper, see picture below. It ended up being a bad idea anyway because the electrical outlet is different than any of the other outlets I've seen because one of the prongs is purposefully turned 90 degrees so only that air conditioner can fit in there. So we took a closer look at the leaky unit and discovered that all the drainage holes were plugged with gunk. So we grabbed a spoon and fished out about half a cup or so of muddy gunk, then put it back in the window. Since then, it hasn't leaked and has been working much better then before.

I gave a talk in sacrament meeting yesterday; the bishopric asked me to speak on my mission, so when I was going through my notes, I found a copy of my farewell talk and used that as my base to see how my perspective has changed, which was really eye-opening to me.

Love you all,
Elder Howell


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