July 18, 2017

Dear everyone,
Today is my first P-day in the MTC and closing the end of my first
week here. This experience has changed who I am so much already. I am
continually amazed at how much I know and how much I still have to
learn. They really believe in a baptism by fire concept here. When I
first arrived we took my luggage to my residence. The first trial of
that was that my key card didn't work. So my escort and I spent about
a half hour running around campus, trying to get my card to work. When
we finally figured that out, he took me to class. My classroom is
actually in one of the new buildings, they're super nice, big rooms
and lots of windows. There I met my companion, Elder Moffett. He's
this little 5 foot 5 elder from Nampa, Idaho. He's so cool, he has
such a strong testimony and he really knows the doctrine. And to top
it off, it seems like we think on the same wavelength. Every time we
have a discussion in class we always say the same thing. And when
we're teaching we are usually on the same page, we've had our moments

Remember when I said they believed in baptism by fire? That's so true.
Literally our first day here we we were teaching investigators. Then
we had private teaching lessons with our teachers. We accomplish so
much everyday that everyday feels like its own week. Our teachers are
so incredible because they really know us, they're only a couple of
years older than us so they really know how we feel and really know
how to teach us how to teach.

Then there's my district. From everyone we talk to, we have a massive
district. There's 15 of us. All elders except for four sisters.
They're all so amazing. We've melded together so quickly it's amazed
me. We're all so transparent and open with each other. We really trust
each other. 5 of the other elders are coming to Baltimore with me, 5
of them are going to Little Rock, Arkansas. Then all the sisters are
going to Atlanta Georgia. We all have our laughs and especially the
elders have our laughs in our residence. I don't know if the sisters
do as well. Elder Moffett and I are rooming with two of the Little
Rock elders and we have had some pretty funny conversations. I'm so
glad I got put in this district, they're exactly what I need to help
me feel welcome. I can't imagine being as happy as I am here. Even
though we are in class for three hours at a time.

You know how everyone talks about the spirit being a fire hose here?
Well they are right. It is so strong that I can almost see it in the
air. It's with us all the time and it's so incredible. Our schedules
are packed but you almost don't feel it until you get back to your
room and realize how wiped you are.

Sunday was amazing too. I'm able to talk about the gospel on a level
that I've only really talked to my parents about. Everyone here knows
the scriptures so well it blows my mind. Then we had an amazing
devotional by the MTC president and his wife. They both have such
incredible conversion stories. And because of their service as mission
presidents and family history, they've brought thousands to the
gospel. After the devotional Elder Moffett and I went to a showing of
music and the spoken word. We didn't realize until we got there that
it was a showing of the Canada Day special. It was so awesome!!! They
opened with one of my favorite songs, homeward bound!! I loved it!
Then we watched the movie, 'Only a Stonecutter' if you haven't seen it
I highly recommend it. It's such an amazing story of faith and honor.

The food here is great too, most of the time. But we don't really pay
attention to the taste, we just need the energy to keep going. But
right now I'm doing laundry then on to the rest of P day.

I'll end with my favorite line from Sunday, "Bind me not to the
pasture, chain me not to the plow, set me free to find calling, and
I'll return to you somehow."

I love you all,
Elder Howell


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