Inner Harbor, Baltimore August 14, 2017

This week has been incredible. I'm getting to know the city so well since we're traveling all the time. We're being kept super busy because we get so many referrals from headquarters. There are so many people here and such a wide range of people too!! It's strange to hear the whisperings about Baltimore and then really go out and experience it because it's so different. People here really respect us, they aren't aggressive towards us at all, even if they aren't interested. And it's interesting for having a reputation for going into the neighborhoods that most people won't even go close to. God really does keep his servants safe.

Everyday I'm meeting new people, whether it's on the subway or walking down the street. We had a man walk up to us on Friday and tell us that he used to meet with the Elders up in another area and asked us how he could get back into the lessons. So we're going to call him this week and we'll see how it goes. 

We had my first lesson on Tuesday night and it was so great. We were originally there as a Bible referral but she invited us in for a lesson. We taught her the Restoration and she seemed really interested. Sadly her husband wasn't too interested but we'll keeping working on him. The Lord works on his own timetable, not ours.

I've also been learning so much during our study time in the mornings. I've been taking a section of one of the lessons each day and studying it in depth. I felt prompted to start on lesson three so I've almost finished that one. If I have any extra time after that section, which doesn't happen very often, I try and read Jesus the Christ. Elder Andreasen was right, It's like reading a dictionary without the definitions. It's so interesting though, I learn something totally new every single page. 

The ward here, as I said last week, is so amazing!! They have such strong spirits and strong testimonies. Every interaction I have with one of them reminds me why I'm out here and motivates me to keep going. I love it here.

Elder Howell
Proverbs 3:5


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