September 11, 2017

Hey all,

This week was especially different from past weeks because Elder Stafford picked up a virus on Monday night or Tuesday, his immune system was weakened by having Salmonella, so we weren't allowed to go out and work from Wednesday to Friday. It was kind of nice to relax on Wednesday but by Friday we were getting a little stir crazy. So Thursday I made pancakes and as in all things in missionary work, I pulled gospel principles from it. I've decided to share 3 of the ones I came up with.

1. Tender Mercies. Since we weren't able to leave the apartment, we couldn't have gone to buy any ingredients that we didn't already have. When I started I thought we had everything then I got halfway through and realized we didn't have flour. I searched everywhere and couldn't find it and right when I was about to give up I opened the last drawer and there was just enough flour to make a batch.

2. Exact Obedience. My dad gave me very specific instructions regarding how long to cook them before flipping them but it seemed too fast for me to let them cook so I waited a bit longer than I should've. As a natural result, they all tasted just the tiniest bit burnt. But that leads into my third point.

3. Perseverance. After finding out that they tasted burnt, or when I flipped a pancake bad and it just folded, I could've given up and claimed that I couldn't cook, which would've been very easy. But I didn't and the pancakes improved over time, even though they were still obnoxiously flat.

The other really important thing that is happening right now is transfers. We found out, last night, that Elder Stafford is being transferred to Pennsylvania to get a new trainee and be a District Leader. That's super exciting for him but it also means that I'm staying in the city and I'm getting a new companion, which should be interesting. 

I'm learning so much everyday and enjoying every second of it.

Elder Howell
D&C 42:6

Jared's address: UPDATE: 301 West Franklin #306, Baltimore, MD 21207

He loves getting mail!


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