September 4th, 2017

It's weird to think that it's already September... So much happened this week that it would take forever to write it all so I'll give significant Highlights.

Last Monday we went to an old Jewish Synagogue/history museum. It was so cool!!!! We went into two synagogues, one was the third oldest in America and the other one was an active synagogue so I got to wear a Yamaka!!! It was oddly exciting. I ended up getting a Yamaka as a souvenir. It's so pretty, it reminded me of something my mom would make a quilt out of. There is so much history in this city, you just just have to know where to find it. And you have to have an open mind. If you close off your thinking to think that lds members are the only people who can be happy then you won't get anywhere with the people in this city. And they won't like talking to you either. The Jewish Lady who was our guide was really surprised at how open we were to learn not just about the buildings but also about the people. It was such a great experience..

Later in the week we had exchanges, twice. Once I went to the YSA Area with my district leader, which was really cool, my first time knocking doors. We also went on Exchanges with the Special assignment missionaries; President keeps the assistants so busy that he has a set of missionaries just for exchanges. So we went out with them which was so awesome. My temporary companion, Elder Gordan, goes home next transfer and he was so cool! We had a really powerful lesson with a referral, so powerful that she committed herself to read the Book of Mormon and invited herself to church!!! She came to church and had a great time!! We have a follow-up lesson this week so I'm super excited about that!

I also found out that one of my Zone Leaders graduated with my cousin, Melanie. 

As a final thought, I have definitive proof that my mission is truly the best mission on Earth. Many have claimed it but mine is true. I know because we have a third verse to Called to Serve that is about our mission.

The Scripture this week is a conjunction of a scripture and a Quote that a good friend gave me a while back.

Mark 4:40
"We have great cause for concern. But we do not need to let our fears displace our faith. We can combat our fears by strengthening our faith."
-Russell M. Nelson

I love you all,
Elder Howell


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