Transfers and Playgrounds September 18, 2017

Hello all,

Elder Stafford got transferred to another part of the mission and I now have Elder Haslam with me in the harbor. He is a great missionary from Arizona who's been out for about 5 months. We get along great, we have a lot of very similar interests so we always have a lot to talk about. 

This week was filled with a lot of visiting our favorite members since Elder Stafford was leaving then visiting the people that Elder Haslam needs to get to know, so I got to see a lot of people this week! 

Another huge thing we did this week was service. When we went to visit one of my favorite members, Kevan, he was fixing up his shed. So we stopped and helped him put siding on his shed until we had to leave for our dinner appointment. That dinner was the first time I had real crab cakes and let me tell you, they were incredible! They looked a little strange at first but when I took a bite it was so good! The next day, Friday, we participated in the Day of Service that the governments put on out here. Our project was unifying with a few other groups to build a playground for a local Baptist head start program. It was so much fun to see so many different people from so many different backgrounds, come together to try and improve our community. With about 120 people there, we made quick work of that playground, taking it from an empty lot to a full playground, with paintings and all, in under 6 hours. It was so much fun to build! 

Then we had the ward BBQ on Saturday which was incredible because I really got to see and socialize with the members in  ways that just aren't possible during church. It's so important to connect with the members because they really help the missionaries, even if it's not strictly missionary work, members just motivate us to be better missionaries and better people. 

I really love this area and the people in it.

Elder Howell
Mosiah 25: 15, 17-18


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