Long week, short report

Hey all,

This week was really long but there isn't a whole lot to report on.The only appointments we were able to keep were with Julia, who has her baptismal interview tonight. She is doing awesome and is progressing at an amazing rate, despite the stresses coming from home. 

Elder Haslam and I got to go to the mission office on Thursday, Elder Haslam had some Medical Issue the mission doctor wanted to look at. It was my first time being there. It was really great to see the office staff again, as well as Sister Christiansen. She took us out to lunch afterwards with the Assistants, so that was a lot of fun. It's going to be really sad when Elder Burtenshaw goes home this transfer. I've really enjoyed having him around. 

I ended up taking an impromptu nap for about 20 minutes or so during dinner, which made me kind of loopy for a couple of minutes until we walked back outside and the cool wind really woke me up. But while I was loopy I looked at the phone and saw that it needed to be charged. We keep the charging cord on the other side of room, only about 10 feet, and there is cardboard box in front of the cord. In my dazed state, I understood that if I could get the phone near the cord and if the phone knew I wanted to charge it, then it would charge. The next thing Elder Haslam knew, I lifted the phone above my head, called out Charge, and tossed the phone across the room. It bounced against the cardboard box and fell to the ground, unharmed. We had a good laugh about that for the next 5 minutes or so and we still laugh about it. 

We also worked at the Bishop's Storehouse that's under our building. We do it almost every Saturday morning but this week was especially busy because the big truck came in to bring us the food, as well as it was the week before Thanksgiving. I called our Zone Leaders before the big rush started and we managed to get about a dozen missionaries. We managed to unload and stock the storerooms in just under 2 hours before going to help fill the 145 orders. It was Chaos. But lots of fun.

Love you all,
Elder Howell


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