Walking, walking

Hey Everybody,

This week has been a week full of long days but a surprisingly short week, Friday felt like a Wednesday. We picked up a mother and her adult son this week and had a great lesson about why there are so many churches. it was really cool and they were all set to go to church yesterday but the mother got a serious headache so they weren't able to come. Then we also met Antonio, who has been really prepared for the Gospel. He wasn't able to make it to church yesterday either but we hope that he will next week. He is a really cool guy. Julia is also doing amazing, she is eating up anything we throw at her and she's really starting to act like she feels like she belongs during church. We didn't get to meet with her on Tuesday like normal, because we had to be at the Simpson's that evening, because of Halloween, but we were able to have a great lesson on Friday

We also had Zone Conference this week, which is always a time of great learning. This is Elder Burtenshaw's last transfer, he's one of the Assistants that I've gotten close to and really admire, so he bore his testimony at the end of Zone Conference, like all the departing missionaries do. He is such an example to me of what a missionary should be. We also did Bishop's Storehouse, as usual, on Saturday. I love the people who run it, they are always so happy and we have so many good laughs. We also had an experience on Saturday night that was both funny and sad. We stopped by the Clerk's Office to check off some referrals, we've managed to get them down from 38 to 9, and I left my keys, which has the only key to the church we have on it, on the desktop. So we get out to the parking lot and realize that I don't have my keys, so we can't get back into the building and we can't open up the gate to get out of the parking lot. So we're stuck there at almost 9pm, with no way to get out of the parking lot to walk home. So we end up having to call our Ward Mission Leader to come open up the gate and let us back into the church so I can grab my keys. 

Sorry it's not a very long letter today, it's been a long tiring week but not a whole lot to write home about.

Elder Howell
Matt 27:19


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