5 Months and a chance of snow

Hey all,

The West York Ward has been telling us to work more in the suburbs, apparently past companionships have been working in the city of York a lot, so we have been focusing a lot of our efforts outside the city, more specifically this one neighborhood that our ward mission leader told us we should Knock so we've been doing that for most of this week and we've already seen the blessings of it. 

On Monday night we were knocking that neighborhood, and managed to find a man named Kyle who said he'd be interested but he was really busy so he told us to come back later. Then we were back there on Wednesday night and this really nice family let us in to hear our Christmas message. We told them about Light the World and tried to get a return appointment but they weren't sure when they'd be free next. I also had a total "me" moment when we first came in. I was shocked when the father said we could come in. We both were really shocked and went inside. I went in last and closed the door behind me. I was holding onto the doorknob when I closed the door and the knob promptly fell off... That would only happen to me... But the man said it happened all the time so we just went on and shared our bit. Then two doors down we talked to a lady and taught her the Restoration on her doorstep. She seemed to like it and invited us back for tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. We also started knocking this big apartment complex on Saturday. We managed to knock half of it and we met the first person that I've talked to that didn't have at least a basic knowledge of the Bible. It really threw me for a loop but we managed to talk to him and gave him a Book of Mormon. 

We've also had a lot of dinners with members, which has been a really cool experience. We had one family who went to Snow College in Ephraim, so we were able to talk about that for a while, they really liked being in Sanpete County. We also do a lot of Less Active work in this area so we met with one less active on Friday. He was very nice to us and told us that he left because of something that happened years ago. He made a joke about how we may be the missionaries to bring him back so we decided to keep meeting with him.

York has this tradition of Santa riding around the whole city with a motorcade of Firetrucks. We saw him on Saturday night and Sunday night. With the snow this week it has made it very interesting to walk around, mainly just colder. It's been entertaining though because Elder Graff is originally from Southern California so this is only his Second time in snow so he's been very excited all week.

Love you all,


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