Pictures from Inner Harbor

Hey all,

I got to say goodbye to all my favorite members on Monday and Tuesday, I'll attach pictures below, which was really cool but sad at the same time. I'll definitely miss the Harbor but I'm excited to see what West York has in store for me.

I've been in York since Wednesday and it has been a blast. I've been having to learn a whole new style of missionary work, at least that's what it feels like. Not only am I out of Baltimore, which now allows me to knock doors, but I have a car! It has been a really fun time. York is a little like Baltimore, but much less dangerous. We have most of the City of York as well as large amount of suburbia. The ward is also very different, it is one of the largest wards in the stake, and they have a normal church building, which is also very different from Harbor. I'm sure I'll love it here.

-Elder Howell
Ecclesiastes 3:1

1. Sister Crawford
2. My "Car"
3. Brother Hank Fronc
4. Sister Mary Jones


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