
Hey all,

The missionaries here in Baltimore have already heard, I am getting transferred. I am going up to West York to be with Elder Graff!! But that means I have to leave the Inner Harbor. I love this area so much and I especially love the ward. And I love it all the more now because a new member joined the fold of God this past weekend. 

I've talked about Julia several times in these emails and she had her baptism this past weekend and it was an incredible experience. It truly can't be described by words but I will do my best. It feels like just yesterday I was knocking on her door while on exchanges with Elder Gordon and we had a talk on her porch about the Book of Mormon. And last Saturday I got to stand with her in the baptismal font as she began her journey towards Exaltation. There have been times where it has felt like one hurdle after another kept popping up but this past week we finally made it to the gate. Then to stand in the circle yesterday as Elder Haslam confirmed her a member, this whole weekend has been unlike any I've ever experienced before. To top off the weekend, on Saturday night we met with a less active member who has since remarried to a nonmember. We have been meeting with them for about a month and they haven't been able to come to church. Well Saturday night we were reading Alam 42 with them and I got a distinct impression to commit the wife to baptism. So I waited until the right verse came up and I invited her and set a date right there. It was incredible. And they came to church yesterday which made it all the better. 

The next time I email I'll be in Pennsylvania so I will say farewell until then, I love you all.

Elder Howell
D&C 20:37
My new address will be: 


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