January 22, 2018

Hey all,

This week went by pretty quick. On Tuesday we had a return appointment with one of the ladies we met last week and her son was there too. We didn't know he'd be there so we had a member of the ward with us. Her son was in a different room for about the first half, he has been doing a bit of Reno work, but he came in and started asking questions. It was then that I realized the he was the first man that I've taught, maybe even the first person I've taught that was within 10 years of my own age. it's much different than teaching older people, who naturally talk a bit quieter. It took me about 5 minutes to figure out that he wasn't arguing with us, that was just how he talked. After that I was able to change my own perspective and start seeing the answers to his questions and how perfectly they line up to the gospel. Talking with them both will definitely stretch me in new ways because they both know a lot more than me, but with Christ by my side, I know we can do it.

We had transfers on Wednesday, Elder Graff and I are both staying, an Elder who came out with me, not one from my District though, switched to Spanish and came up here, Then Elder Barlow, who was one of my Zone Leaders in Harbor came up here to be a District Leader and train for his last transfer. We had a lesson on Wednesday with a lady who ordered a Bible. We had a really powerful lesson about Joseph Smith and she seemed open to learning more. 

We had one other lesson on Saturday, with another Bible Referral. He was very nice and was pretty open to us coming back. We just parked the car in the city that day because we're starting to run low on our monthly miles limit so we walked around all day, so needless to say, I'm glad I had put a new set of insoles into my shoes that morning. 

Yesterday was Ward Conference and the Stake President spoke and did something unusual but I really liked it. His application was a little different but I'm going to apply it to missionary work because the concept is the same. He sang the first line of "I Know that my Redeemer Lives", and it sounded alright. Then he invited a member of the Bishopric, who is an avid singer, and they sang the first two lines. Then he invited a young woman from the ward, I'm sure this was prearranged, and they sang the whole first verse, splitting into harmonies halfway through. When he sang alone, that is like a junior companion talking to someone, it sounds alright, but  lacking some confidence. Then you add the second voice, or the senior companion, and not only does the second voice sound better, but the first voice becomes more confident because he has some help. Then you add the third voice, the Holy Ghost, and the whole dynamic changes. When all three work as one and take care of their individual parts, the whole world opens up, the clouds go away, and the sun shines brightly. 

Love you all,
Elder Howell
Hymn #136 "I Know that my Redeemer Lives"


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