Mission Conference
Hey all,
This has been a really interesting week. The Young Men's President in our ward asked us to help with the combined activity for the youth. He gave us a slot to talk about planning. We have a few older priests who are preparing to leave missions this year. It was a really neat experience.
Thursday brought even more snow and the worst part, wind. Thankfully we had weekly planning for a large chunk of the day so we didn't really have to worry about it until the evening. The Spanish Elders needed the car, I don't know if I've mentioned that we share the car with them, so we had our Elders Quorum President drive us to the lesson with our investigator. He came with us but she wasn't there. We called her and she said she went to Walmart to prepare for the bigger storm that was supposed to hit later last week. After that we got a text from the assistants that Sister Christiansen grounded all missionaries that don't have a car. So we had to go home early, but I'm not too sad about that, the wind just cut right to the bone. It reminded me of Idaho. On Friday night we met with a less active in the ward who's a bit elderly but he is such a sweet man. He isn't totally interested in coming back to church just yet but he told us that one week he'll surprise us.
Saturday was definitely the highlight of the week though. On Thursday we received word that Elder Nielsen of the Seventy was going to speak to the mission on Saturday morning. So we woke up at 5am so we could drive down to Colombia by 8. We took a full mission picture, about 175 missionaries, and sang "Sisters In Zion/Army Of Helaman" for him and President so that was awesome. Then he talked to us about the song a little bit then gave an awesome presentation on the Book of Mormon. He gave a really interesting comparison of the Bible and Book of Mormon. They show the same picture but the Bible is in Black and White and the Book of Mormon adds color. He connected several scriptures such as 2 Nephi 32:9 to 2 Nephi 27:23 to Ether 12:12. He stressed the importance of 3 Nephi 11. It was such an awesome conference.
Yesterday we had a really amazing Fast and Testimony Meeting. We learned last week that we are allowed to go to the temple this week, if we are able to get a member to take us. Thankfully a Couple in our ward has a day off on Friday and they offered to take us down to the Washington DC Temple, So Elder Graff and I are very excited.
The Tomb is Open!
Elder Howell
Alma 7:11-12
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