New Year

Hey all,

With the close of 2017 this past Sunday, it has caused a lot of reflection on my part. I've thought a lot about how much I've changed in the past year. I've gone from a High School senior in Oregon to a Missionary in Pennsylvania. Not at all what I imagined but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

This was a very interesting week. Elder Graff has been sick since Wednesday. We've been able to go out most of the days but there were a few days where he was down. I'm beginning to think I may have a curse, Elder Moffett is my only companion who hasn't gotten sick. It snowed on Saturday so dredging through that has been a magical experience. On Saturday we walked around a neighborhood and shoveled snow out of driveways. We met some very nice people, not really anyone who was interested but they were very grateful for our service. 

Elder Graff and I were asked to help teach Sharing time in Primary this week. It was about the blessings of the Restoration and I guess people think we might know a little about that. Our lesson with Junior Primary was a little rough and when we sat down Elder Graff leaned over to me and whispered, "I'd take a street full of random strangers over this any day." We both had a good laugh over that. Thankfully we had another chance with Senior Primary which went much better, especially since one of the boys in there is turning 12 in a few weeks so talking about the priesthood felt a little extra special. 

Last night was the highlight of the week by far. We had a meeting set up with a man that we contacted through Headquarters last week who's a very talkative Baptist. We went by last night and he was working on his garage door with his daughter and son-in-law. We helped them out for a while until we had to leave. It wasn't what we were expecting but it was still a nice time. Elder Graff and I also got a member referral on Christmas Eve, a first for both of us, and we've had to reschedule twice but we finally managed to get in last night. We had totally forgotten that it was Monday night so we couldn't find anyone to go with us so we were praying on the way over that there would be a man home with her. We got there and there wasn't, we started to reschedule again when one of her male friends walked in randomly. She asked us if he counted and we said yes so we all sat down. It was such an amazing lesson! This young single mother has had a really rough year and she went to Church on Christmas Eve with one of our members and she said she felt something different. Near the end of the lesson, she started to cry and I almost started crying and it was such a spiritual experience. 

Love you all,
Elder Howell
Galatians 5:22-23.


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