Back to Baltimore!

Hey all,

So big news for this week, Elder Graff and I are getting doubled out of West York. He is getting transferred elsewhere in the stake but I am getting transferred down to the Baltimore Young Single Adult Ward. So I'm going back to Baltimore!! Of course I am sad to leave West York, the members here are incredible. And I'm going to be leaving a baptism for them on Saturday, Roberta passed her baptismal interview last week so she'll be getting baptized on Saturday

We had District meeting with the Zone Leaders, a lot of it was about Technology and how to use it responsibly. We also got a new booklet that is designed to be a how-to guide on using technology. After that we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for Lunch with a set of the Spanish Elders, it was buy one, get one free day. Tuesday and Wednesday both were really warm, in the high 60s and 70s so we just wore short-sleeved shirts again. The rest of the week was mostly spent walking. On Friday we decided to stop by members that we have their records but we don't know who they are. We stopped by one, they had moved. The next two we stopped by were not happy to see us. One lady, who was actually his mother-in-law, told us to find a real King James Bible and become "true christians", whatever that means. The next guy just opened the door, screaming at us to go away, even after we said have a good night and started walking away. I love being able to see the kind and gracious side of people. On Saturday we did a service project for a member of the bishopric. We got to tear out an old floor in a kitchen. We pulled the floor out in about 10 minutes but the long part was pulling up all the staples out of the floor. It'll only took us an hour and a half to do it all so that was good. It honestly felt so good to be able to get back down on my hands and knees and just work on something solid. It reminded me of those days I spent working for Brother Lashmett and everything I learned from him. After the project we had enough time to go home, shower, then we had to head out. We hit the streets at 11am. We got picked up for dinner then hit the streets after dinner as well. So tons of walking again. I love it here and I'm excited to see what's ahead. 

Elder Howell
"A man who stands for Nothing, will fall for Anything." -Malcom X

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