Gauntlet and Walking

Hey all,

Last week's Preparation Day was filled with Basketball, as normal, and as all of you know, I am still terrible. Elder Graff got sick in the afternoon so we went home and had a nap before heading out for the night.

On Tuesday we had District Meeting and did a practice teaching scenario, we call them realplays, called the Gauntlet. How it works is you all sit in an oval, with one investigator and a member sitting across from the two missionaries, and a missionary sitting at each end. Throughout the lesson, missionaries can switch with the missionaries or member at anytime, according to the Spirit. That's really the point of the exercise, to learn how to more effectively listen to the Spirit, as well as listen to the investigator because Elder Barlow can switch us as well. It was such an amazing experience. I've done the gauntlet a couple other times on my mission but this week it seemed so much more meaningful than before. Elder Graff got really sick Tuesday night and ended up having to spend all Wednesday in bed. Thursday was spent doing weekly planning, The Quorum of the 12 Apostles is changing Preach My Gospel a bit. They are removing Chapter 8, which includes all our planning and goal setting material, and replacing it with a new chapter entitled, How do I fulfill my Missionary Purpose? It includes new procedures for our daily and weekly planning, as well as plenty of other stuff. So we have been having an adventure figuring that out. 

The final aspect of this week has been the car switching. I'm not sure if I've explained before that we share our car with the Spanish Elders and we switch off every day. But sometimes one set will need it for more than one day in a row and that happened this week. Friday and Saturday we didn't have the car so we were walking all day. We didn't calculate exactly how far we walked those two days but we know we walked at least 10 miles on Saturday, which isn't too bad considering we were supposed to walk 18 but we were able to get a ride from a member for dinner with his family. Elder Graff had to speak in church yesterday and we had an awesome lesson about the Fall of Adam and Eve in Gospel Principles. 

Love you all,
Elder Howell
D&C 11:21


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