Zone Conference and Exchanges

Hey all,

This was a pretty packed week so hopefully I remember everything.

On Monday we played basketball all afternoon, including one shooting game that lasted about 2 and a half hours. We were all exhausted afterwards but it was so much fun. 

We had Zone Conference on Tuesday. It's always great to see President and Sister Christiansen. They talked a lot about Faith, and not only faith, but faith spurring us on to action. We also got a lot of training on how to use the Technology we'll receive next month.

On Wednesday we had Exchanges with the Special Assignment Elders. It was awesome. I got to go out with Elder Bowcutt, who I served around my first transfer, and we hit the suburbs of our area hard. He taught me more about finding where you are, not just going to the house you planned on going by. He also learned that the more you keep people talking, the more willing they are to listen. We found a lot of really great people. 

Thursday through Saturday was filled with tons of walking, knocking, and talking. It started snowing on Sunday when we left for church. By the time we got to church we had tons of tiny snowflakes spinning all around us. After Ward council the Bishop considered canceling church for a while, especially because the forecast said it will turn to freezing rain. But we stayed at church and had a great Fast and Testimony meeting. Afterwards we had dinner with a member, and our car got stuck trying to get up their driveway. Driving this morning reminded me of Oregon. Lots of ice and frozen snow.

Love you all,
Elder Howell
James 2:20


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