Missed A Week

Hey all,

Sorry I didn't write last week, it was kind of a chaotic day filled
with bowling and an ER visit, not necessarily in that order. Elder
Miles and I went to Walmart early in the morning because we were
planning on going bowling with the Front Royal elders around noonish.
When we got home Elder Miles was opening a box and he cut his finger.
He didn't cry out or anything, he just walked into the kitchen and
told me he was bleeding. So we put 3 band-aids on it then wrapped it
in tape to keep pressure on it, very MacGyver of us. Then he sat down
i looked at him and he looked a little out of it. When he put his head
down i told him to get up and stay moving. Needless to say, he go
about 15 or 20 more feet then decided to take a closer look at the
floor. He was still awake so I called the Zone Leaders then Sister
Christiansen and I took him to the ER. They looked at his finger then
glued it shut, did you know they had medical glue instead of stitches?
We left the ER and went up to Front Royal because Elder Miles cut his
left hand so he could still bowl, also we found out his floor
inspection was just because his mind didn't know how to react,
something about the Vegas nerve? We bowled a few games, all of us got
at least one strike, except Elder Livermore, and we decided we should
go email before heading to our service project. We didn't have long
and i found out that my phone wasn't working correctly so i couldn't
access my email, which I apologize for. We left for our service
project for our investigator around 4:30. 

On Tuesday we were supposed to have district meeting in Luray, but since the Freezing rain had
started early that morning, the Woodstock elders and sisters didn't
think it was safe for them to come over the mountain, but thanks to
technology, we were able to able to Skype them in. The Front Royal
Elders came down so we had our District Meeting over Skype. We also
had exchanges on Tuesday but around 6 Elder Harvey called me and said
our area was set to get about 8 inches of snow that night, so we
decided to change back now so we didn't have to worry about the snow.
We did get snow on Tuesday night, but not near 8 inches, we got maybe
3 or 4. It was still enough to cover the ground and make it so we
almost couldn't go out that day, if the photos finish uploading in
time, I'll share them with you.

On Saturday we had a mini miracle, we had an appointment that we were
heading to 45 minutes from Luray. Because of the GPS monitoring device
in our cars there are parts that we can't even go the speed limit
because TIWI will start beeping at us. So we knew we were going to be
late and we also knew that we really needed to talk to this referral.
Then suddenly, our TIWI malfunctioned, it was still on but for some
reason it was letting us go the speed limit. So decided we would call
our vehicle coordinator after the appointment. We got down to the
referral and had a really awesome conversation with a him. Afterwards
we started back home, TIWI beeped at me, letting me know it was working
properly. We knew that if we had been late, we might've missed him but
since we could get there on time, we were able to talk to him. We also
got a text from the Referral Sisters assigned to him a few hours
later, saying that he really liked what we were telling him about and
wanted us back so we're going to go visit him again this week.

Yesterday we had another miracle, we had two men walk into church that
none of us had seen before. Before Elder Miles and I had time to go
over, the rest of the branch was already over there, talking to them
and making them feel welcome. Later I found out that one of them was a
nonmember that lives around here who called his friend, who lives in
Quantico, and asked him to take him to church. Apparently this man has
been studying the church independently for about the past 11 years or
so. We asked him if he'd like to meet with us and although he
declined, his friend texted us this morning and said that they both
had a great time at church and he challenged his friend to come to all
the meetings and read the Book of Mormon again over the next 30 days,
so we'll see where that takes us.

Love you all,
Elder Howell


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