Breaking up over a hamburger Apr. 30, 2018

Hey all,

Elder Miles and I had a super funny moment at dinner on Friday. We had stopped at 7/11 because we had a hankering for Gatorade and that is the cheapest place to get it, and Elder Miles decided he wanted to get a cheeseburger as well. So we get back to the apartment and I pull out our box of frozen burgers, thank you Sister Judd, and start heating up the stove while he eats his burger. Something you need to know about Elder Miles is that one of my many nicknames for him is the one man theater, he is a very funny, dramatic, dwarf, and that causes me to be a bit dramatic at times as well. He finished his burger and looked at me and asked if I would make him one; our recurring joke is that he is useless in the kitchen because the two times he's tried making the burgers, he under cooked it really bad and the other time was like eating charcoal, so he has me do the cooking. We were both already in a joking mood so when he asked me to throw another burger in the pan, I started acting like he had betrayed my cooking for a lesser model, aka the 7/11 burger which he said wasn't all that good, and that ended up descending into both of us acting like we were breaking up over a cheeseburger, while simultaneously trying not to break down into hysterical laughter. I ended up making him another burger and we were laughing about it for the rest of dinner. 

We've also been dealing a lot with regards to the car this week. If you didn't already know, We were driving to District Meeting back on the 10th on a super narrow mountain road, when I accidentally hit a stump or something, and bent the rim of my back tire. So last Monday we dropped the car off at the body shop to get it fixed. We got it back Wednesday morning and I noticed that it sounded like the brakes were starting to grind. So I called the mission office and then drove up to Winchester to get our brakes checked. They ended up being fine, still don't know what that sound was, but they said it was better for me to bring the car in than for me to ignore a problem. I guess there's a gospel concept in there as well; even if it isn't technically a sin, if we have things in our life that we aren't sure about, get it checked. It's much better to be safe rather than sorry. We also had to run to the auto store this morning because our windshield wiper fluid was really low. 

We also had a very spiritual Zone Conference on Tuesday, it was the Rudd's and the Gerhart's, the senior couples who run the mission office, last zone conference so that was hard to see them go. We talked a lot about being bold when talking to people, we shouldn't be ashamed or afraid of who we are. 

I love you all. As Elder Lehnig once told me, "If you're not having fun on your mission, you're doing it wrong." I think that can be applied to all of our lives. If you have any questions feel free to ask my parents for my email, I'd love to hear from you.

Elder Howell


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