Another Transfer

Hey all,

So I guess the biggest news this week is that it's transfer week. Elder Miles and I are both leaving and they aren't putting a new set in this next transfer. Elder Miles is going up to Hancock and I'l be going to the Susquehanna ward near Baltimore with Elder Apgood, who I served around while I was in Inner Harbor. I have loved this area so much and have grown to love the people here so much that I know it's going to be really hard to leave, but I know that I can make it through by relying on the Lord, and I also know that I'm going to have a great time with Elder Apgood. 

In other news, on Tuesday we had exchanges. I went up to Front Royal with Elder Harris and we had a great day together. We ended up picking up an investigator for them, an awesome young dad. Meanwhile, Elder Miles and Elder Livermore met a nice couple for us. We met with them later in the week and we aren't sure if they are really interested or just happy for the company. 

That was really the only big thing that happened this week, other than that it was a lot of walking and a lot of talking to people. Sunday was great as always, Brother Richards gave a great talk on the differences between sin and weakness. We got the call that we were leaving around 7 at night so we had some time to go around and visit some of the members we've gotten closest to. Brother Moore offered to take us to dinner tonight and the Mathews invited us over for a bit this afternoon, we've gotten really close with them and we are all going to miss each other. But it will all work out for the best and I am ready to begin my adventures in Susquehanna. Let's see if I can make it to this area without President calling and saying that I'm opening up a different area. 

Love you, Elder Howell

My new Address:
486 Holley Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001


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