Cows in the Heat

Hey everyone,

I'm going to start with a totally random event from last night and then I'll work backwards from there. Elder Miles and I were driving home last night when we saw a bunny running across the street. It reached the opposite curbing before I got to it, then randomly jumped about 3 or 4 feet into the air. It was so random, we both laughed the rest of the way home. We also had a short powerful rainstorm last night; we were getting ready to call Elder Miles's parents when it rained really hard for about 10 minutes, then a huge bolt of lightning that knocked out the power for about 30 seconds, followed almost immediately by the rocking of thunder. After the thunder it stopped raining. I love the random funky weather of Virginia. 

On Saturday, we spent most of the day on Brother Richard's farm, we walked around his property line, repairing his electric fence, then we helped him dig some holes, which involved us going into one of his fields to get some dirt, which 
his cows were very interested in. My subject line comes from this encounter, not necessarily because the cows smelled bad, they smelled like cows which is a scent I've gotten used to, it was the fact that it was about 90 degrees with who knows how much humidity. Suffice it to say, Elder Miles and I were dying in the heat. We did get to feed the cows cookies so they wouldn't stand on the dirt we needed. After that, we drove about 4 stakes into the ground so he can reroute the electric fence, before calling it a day and going in for a truly classic southern meal, cube steak, peas in a gravy like sauce, and incredible mashed potatoes, which were really good. We also tried our hand at duck wrangling, Brother Richards has two. We had a branch activity on Friday for Mother's day and I discovered that I like Sauerkraut. Brother Judd brought a pot of it and I wasn't sure I wanted to try it but it was super good! Darlene also pulled me aside right after the activity and asked me if we had time for a quick lesson, so I grabbed President and Sister Biggs and Elder Miles and we had a short lesson. It was really good, we learned some things that we need to go back and teach because she doesn't remember from when the past missionaries taught them to her.

Thursday we went up to Winchester for interviews, it's really strange knowing that President and Sister Christiansen are leaving in a few weeks. I think the whole mission is in denial about it, but we know that we're going to love President Mutumbo just as much. 

The main highlight of Wednesday was that we did Service for Darlene with Nate, Eric, and President Biggs, where we got to gather up the last couple of small buildings in her backyard and burn them. I love having these opportunities to serve alongside members because it allows us to bond that much more than just seeing them on Sunday or the occasional stop by to see how they're doing. 

That's about it for this week, love you all!

Elder Howell


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