May 7, 2018
Hey everyone,
So Elder Miles and I were talking last night and he mentioned
something his Dad said last week and I totally thought it was two or
three weeks ago, so needless to say, it has been a very long week, but
surprisingly, I don't have that much to report.
Tuesday, we had to say goodbye to a a giant of a man, Elder Lloyd.
Seriously, that man made me feel short! He honorably finished his
mission and returned home last Thursday. He delivered awesome
instruction in District Meeting about putting our disobedience on the
altar of sacrifice, and demonstrated that by having us write three
things we need to improve on onto an index card then he put it in a
metal bucket. After the meeting was over, we took the bucket outside
and burned it while drinking Martinelli's to say goodbye.
Thursday we had a meeting up in Frederick, nothing really eventful
there, but I got a few great pictures on the drive, well Elder Miles
took them because I was driving. We had Exchanges Friday so Elder
Livermore got a taste of farm work. Brother Richards helped us out
with helping hauling top soil to Sister Mathews's house to help her
level out her lawn. And we had Bruce's amazing sandwiches again.
It was fast and testimony meeting Sunday, which is always amazing
in this branch because it feels like everyone who gets up is just
talking to their family, even when the missionaries get up. We are all
so loving to each other and I think I've said it before but they have
the concept of a ward/branch family down, I love the people here so
Love you all,
Elder Howell
So Elder Miles and I were talking last night and he mentioned
something his Dad said last week and I totally thought it was two or
three weeks ago, so needless to say, it has been a very long week, but
surprisingly, I don't have that much to report.
Tuesday, we had to say goodbye to a a giant of a man, Elder Lloyd.
Seriously, that man made me feel short! He honorably finished his
mission and returned home last Thursday. He delivered awesome
instruction in District Meeting about putting our disobedience on the
altar of sacrifice, and demonstrated that by having us write three
things we need to improve on onto an index card then he put it in a
metal bucket. After the meeting was over, we took the bucket outside
and burned it while drinking Martinelli's to say goodbye.
Thursday we had a meeting up in Frederick, nothing really eventful
there, but I got a few great pictures on the drive, well Elder Miles
took them because I was driving. We had Exchanges Friday so Elder
Livermore got a taste of farm work. Brother Richards helped us out
with helping hauling top soil to Sister Mathews's house to help her
level out her lawn. And we had Bruce's amazing sandwiches again.
It was fast and testimony meeting Sunday, which is always amazing
in this branch because it feels like everyone who gets up is just
talking to their family, even when the missionaries get up. We are all
so loving to each other and I think I've said it before but they have
the concept of a ward/branch family down, I love the people here so
Love you all,
Elder Howell
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