The Change Begins

Hey Everyone, It's transfer week, and I'm staying in Susquehanna for the next 7 weeks, not what I was expecting but I do love thus area. I'm also getting a new companion because Elder Apgood is leaving to go train a new elder. My new companion, Elder Lape, is coming down from the Lancaster area after being companions with Elder Moffett, my MTC Companion. The funny thing is that we got word that Elder Apgood is leaving around 10:10 , after several hours of stressing out. Then we got a call from Elder Palmer at 10:28 that he is training, apparently they forgot to call him hours earlier. We had two exchanges this past week and I got to stay in the area both times. We got yelled at by a lady on Tuesday that we aren't allowed to solicit in that neighborhood. Side note, missionary work is not Solicitation. Soliciting requires that we are asking for money in return for a product, which we don't do at all. What we do it legally called proselytizing. I mainl...