The Rain Bug

Hey Everyone,

I'll be honest, this week was harder than many of the weeks of my mission, but it wasn't because anything bad happened to us or anything like that. From about Wednesday on, there just felt gloomy, I'm sure it was mostly due to the weather. Tuesday was awesome though, we had our exchanges with the Zone Leaders so Elder Smith and I got to drive everywhere. Funny story about that, we were headed back from District Meeting, in the Winter's Run Ward boundaries, and we have to take a major highway home, it's the only way I know. So naturally, it's closed. So we ended up spending a bunch of extra time and miles trying to weave our way to I-95 so we could get home, which took an extra hour or so. But after that we got out and right to work. We talked to a lot of interesting people, one guy who was sitting on a lawnmower who told us about how he used to fly Air Force One, rebuilt a Dodge Viper and Chevy Camaro from scratch, has flown every type of plane stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, and so much other stuff that I can't even remember. Once we got around the corner from him, we had a pretty good laugh about it. We talked to one guy who seemed really solid, he asked us to come over so we can help him stop smoking and drinking, sadly he wasn't there for our return appointment on Saturday. On Wednesday we drove down to Chesapeake so we could exchange back, and that's when the falling through started. Every appointment we had for the rest of the week fell through, mostly by people not answering. Elder Apgood and I ended up dropping 6 of our investigators because we haven't been able to meet with them since I got here, I never met most of them. And the fact that it was raining on and off all week didn't help, we had a really solid two hours on Saturday where we felt like we should go back to the apartment, and not 20 minutes after we got home it started raining like the end of the world, but it only lasted for a little while then we were able to go back out for the rest of the day, on the plus side, it really cooled the temperature down. The frustrating things of this week also prompted a really good conversation between Elder Apgood and I about how we wanted to rebuild the area. We made some plans and this week looks like it's gonna be super good but really hardworking week. We have Zone Conference at least one, maybe two exchanges this week so hopefully I have something more uplifting to report next week. 

Elder Apgood and I jsut had a good laugh over my subject line, yes I'm calling lack of Vitamin D the Rain Bug. No it doesn't make sense but it does if you don't think about it.

Love you all,

Elder Howell


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