The oldest trees bear the sweetest fruit

Hey everyone,

The main highlight of this week was our exchange with the Special Assignment Elders. They and the Assistants came to District Meeting on Tuesday, which nearly doubled the size of our district since there are three assistants right now. That made for an awesome District Meeting because there was so much experience in one room, it taught me so much about the best ways to connect with people and most effectively bring them home. What made it even better is that we got to go back to our area and I got to spend the rest of the day with Elder Marshall, who was one of the Assistants up until this past transfer, then President felt impressed to move him to Special Assignment. We took the plans we made for the day and went to work while Elder Apgood and Elder Fogle went to work in a different part of the area. The second person we tried by was an old referral from about 3 or so years ago. Usually I don't put much stock in those referrals because there's never any information on them, and the one we tried immediately previous to this one wasn't the most thrilled to see us. But nevertheless, we trusted our faith and knocked on this door. We asked if the referral was there and the man told us that was his brother, and that he doesn't live there anymore. Then he started asking us questions and ended up talking to him on the doorstep for over a half hour. He told us about how he has been looking for a church, how his mother is a devout catholic, and he lived next to a Jehovah's Witness for a while, but he felt as if something was missing. We taught him the Restoration then and there, and a bit about the Plan of Salvation and he told us he was going to go inside and start reading the Book of Mormon right away. It was incredible.

On Thursday, we started talking to a group of guys about our age who were playing dice, one of them must've asked us 3 or 4 times if we were cops before he would talk to us. They were also amazed that we pay to come out here. There were some good seeds planted. 

Yesterday was Fast and Testimony Meeting, it was awesome. Then we talked about Spiritual Gifts in Gospel Principle. It turned into a great discussion about the Gift of Tongues. Then 3rd hour was all about how we can be more Meek. 

I think that is about all for this week, here is a picture of a cool crypt we saw last week.

Love you,
Elder Howell
Attachments area


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