July 23, 2018

Hey all,

The two main highlights of this week was Tuesday and FridayOn Tuesday, I got to go on exchanges with Elder Southwick while Elder Lape went to Bynum Run with Elder Livermore. Elder Southwick is so funny. We were laughing and making references the whole time while still being able to work. We saw a really cool ship in Havre De Grace. It was also raining like nuts, east coast style. It would rain like none other for 10 minutes then it would stop for a while, then start up again without warning. Since we've both served in West York, he actually replaced me there, we were reminiscing about the people up there. We drove out to the boondocks referral again, I honestly don't think anyone lives there because there's never anyone home and the place looks slightly abandoned. 

Then on Friday we had our first interviews with President Mutombo, which was an adventure all in itself because he got stuck doing something at the mission office so he didn't end up getting to the stake center until after 12pm, and he was supposed to start at 10am. Since Elder Lape and I were first, we got to the stake center around 9:45, and it wasn't worth the time and miles to drive back to the area just to drive down to the stake center again, so we just sat and talked with the Zone Leaders for a few hours, which was awesome because it was the first time in a while that Elder Funk and I have gotten to really talk since he was my District Leader. Then when President finally came, interviews ended up going longer than the 30 minutes they were supposed to go, but I don't think any of us minded. He and I talked a lot about what I've learned on my mission and he talked about it's easier to be 100% obedient as opposed to be 99% obedient because then you don't have to worry about that 1%, which could negate all the great work you could do. 

Thursday and Saturday Mornings we helped a young family in the ward pack up their house and load the moving truck so they could leave for their next assignment. Also, we got a call from a member of the Bishopric on Wednesday night, asking if I could speak on Sunday, but I didn't get the topic until Friday, and I spoke yesterday. People said that I did a good job so I can only thank the Holy Ghost for speaking through me.

That's about all for this week, the Church is true, no matter what random people say.

Love you all,
Elder Howell


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