New President

Hey Everyone,

The main highlight of this week was definitely Thursday, when we got to drive down to Essex to meet President Mutombo. We all got there early and were sitting down, quietly studying like we have always done, when President comes in like a whirlwind of energy and smiles. He immediately started walking around the room, high-fiving everyone, and talking up a storm. Before the meeting even started, he managed to have a conversation with just about everyone in the room, individually. As he was talking, it was so amazing to see how the Lord calls his servants and directs his work. He talked a lot of about working with members, which is something that both Elder Lape and I have been feeling like we need to do. He also talked a bunch about seeing the end from the beginning, not only having Baptism as a goal, but also having the temple in mind whenever we talk to people. It's definitely something I need to work on, along with quite a few other things that will make my personal efforts not only easier, but more enjoyable as well. Sister Mutombo also spoke to us for a few minutes, something that I was very impressed with because I knew that a few months ago, she didn't speak any English at all, but she got up and talked to us for a few minutes in surprisingly clear English. President got up afterwards and talked about the Gift of Tongues and how that day was the first time he didn't need to translate for her during these meetings. 

We talked about the necessity of work in Gospel Principles yesterday and I was reminded of a saying that I've heard a lot in my life, "An Idle mind (or hands), are the Devil's playground." I've really seen Satan working on me during this last week, especially since Elder Lape was sick for a couple days so I wasn't really doing anything. Thankfully he's feeling better and I have a good feeling that we're going to be able to do some great work this week.

Love you all,
Elder Howell

My camera couldn't quite capture how beautiful this sunset was.


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