August 27, 2018

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I didn't email last week, I was helping the Zone Leaders move a pair of Elders from one apartment to another and that ended up taking all day. But I made it to Savage Mill alright and managed to injure myself. It isn't a bad injury, just an overextended  muscle that connects the bottom of my heel to my toes. So that's been fun. We've still been able to do some good work this week. Elder Teske and I have been getting a laugh about the fact that whenever we knock on someone's door, they aren't home. Seriously though, we've been knocking on a ton of potentials and members homes, but no one is home. You would think that it would be frustrating, but it's amazing the power of laughter, we just keep walking to the next door.

We did have a really interesting conversation with a Muslim woman on her doorstep. It was kind of like we were comparing notes, I had a few questions I wanted to know about their history, and she asked us a few things about ours. I learned some pretty interesting things, like they believe the 12 apostles were prophets, They are required to believe in the Old Testament Prophets before they are allowed to join Islam, things like that. It was a fascinating conversation. And she took a Book of Mormon at the end of the conversation. I don't know if she'll read it, but at least she has the opportunity now. Also, Elder Teske learned that she isn't allowed to shake our hands, I don't know if that is while there isn't another male around, or what, but she just backed up, it reminded me of when women try to hug elders, same basic reaction. 

We also had Zone Conference this week, it was amazing. The biggest focus was all about getting in touch with Jesus Christ. At the end of the Conference, President was giving his closing remarks, when he just paused for a short moment then said that he felt impressed that we all needed to reread the New Testament. It was so awesome!!

We started teaching this lady named Florence this past week. It was so great, she is searching so honestly for the truth that it made the lesson flow so well. We brought Brother Tobey, and he shared his conversion experience which just made the lesson that much more powerful. Sadly she didn't come to church this week, but we are meeting with her again on Friday.

I love you all,

Elder Howell


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