Onward, Ever Onward

Hey everyone,

It has been a pretty good week, we had District Meeting with the Zone Leaders on Tuesday, we delivered a blessing to a very sweet sister in our ward on Thursday. She has had who knows how many medical problems over the last decades, and she landed back in the hospital Wednesday night and was feeling discouraged and hopeless. One of the councilors in the Relief Society Presidency contacted us Thursday morning to see if we could go give her a blessing. So we went right over and she was asleep. So we left and came back a few hours later and visited with her about everything that's happened and talked about finding comfort through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was such a spiritually strong meeting, that it set the tone for the rest of the day, even though we had no real success the rest of the day.

Saturday was wonderful because we received a call from a pair of missionaries in Delaware saying that they had put an ad for a free Bible and Book of Mormon on Facebook and a young lady had messaged them, asking if they could bring a pair by, but she lived in our area. So he connected us with her and we set up a time to go meet her. We arrived and found out we had the wrong house, but thankfully, she walked out of the house next door and asked if we were the missionaries. We had an interesting conversation where she said she'd like to learn more, just not right now, then she just kind of walked away. It was very confusing and kind of reminded me of many conversations I had with friends in high school. 

During dinner we were trying to reconcile what we were going to do for the evening, and we decided on going to visit the two widowers in the ward, Brother Holmes and Brother Halsey. We tried by Brother Holmes and had an awesome conversation about several different points in the gospel, and some of the whys of why we have the gospel. He hadn't been to church in a few weeks because he has been in mourning over the recent loss of his wife, so he committed himself to coming the next day, which he did! Then we went by Brother Halsey, who had been recently called as a ward missionary. He had a few questions about his responsibilities within his calling, so we did our best to answer them. Then we talked about some of the things we've learned form our service in the church, well mostly him telling us about these amazing experiences from when he was Stake President and Patriarch. He told us the boundaries of when he was the Stake President for Baltimore and we realized that that same area is at least 4 stakes right now! It is amazing to watch the growth of the church. 

The end of Saturday night was possibly the most interesting because just after we walked into the door, my phone started ringing. I looked down and saw it was one of the Assistants, Elder Stone. I picked up and he told me that President Mutumbo wanted to do call outs for transfers on Saturday night, instead of Sunday night. He told Elder Lape that he was staying, then he told me that I was going to be transferred down to the Savage Mill ward in the Colombia stake to be the District Leader. Honestly I was pretty shocked. One nice thing about doing call outs on Saturday is that you actually get to say goodbye to the members at church instead of picking three or four to say goodbye to in between packing. there was also a missionary homecoming during sacrament meeting, which was cool, although a bit odd seeing it through the eyes of a missionary.

But right now it's just packing until Wednesday, when the real work begins.

Love you all,

Elder Howell

New address:  8315 Ari Ct. Apt 1A


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