Protection and Miracles

Hey Everyone,

I don't have a ton to report on from this week. The reason I put protection in the subject line is because Elder Teske broke the lamp in our bedroom, it was the middle of the night and it was pitch black. What he didn't realize is that it broke one of the light bulbs, throwing glass across the threshold of the door. I didn't realize that either until I walked past it two or three times before I turned on the light and noticed that it started smoking. I looked at the glass, trying to figure out how I didn't cut my bare feet on the glass and the only explanation I have is that we were protected. We vacuumed up the glass and called the mission office and the Zone Leaders brought us a lamp this morning. There are always small blessings around, you just have to keep your eyes open.

I had the opportunity to go on exchanges with Elder Musonda on Tuesday. He's such an awesome Elder. Headstrong, knows how to work, and really cares about everyone he meets. We talked with some awesome people and learned quite a bit about each other.

And as for the Miracle, Florence came to church yesterday! We had an awesome lesson on Friday and she committed herself to coming to church, even though she knew she was going to be out late on Saturday. She asked us to call her Sunday morning to make sure she was awake and she came to sacrament meeting! Apparently she also had a few questions about prophets, so it was perfect that all the sacrament talks were about following the prophet. She said that she loved it and will be coming to all three hours next week.

I don't really have much else... I learned some cool stuff about linguistics, Israelite record-keeping tradition, and archeology, as it's related to the Book of Mormon. So yeah, the church is true, the evidence just keeps stacking up the more I learn.

Love you all,
Elder Howell


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