Visit From An Apostle

Hey Everyone,

I had a doctor's appointment on Friday for my foot, and it wasn't feeling too good on Tuesday, so we didn't do a whole lot this week, trying to heel it up as much as possible, (pun intended). The doctor said that I should've been doing that that for pretty much both weeks, not just one, so I'm getting better, but I'm not whole yet. 

The real highlight of this week was Saturday. We had a full mission conference Saturday afternoon with Elder D. Todd Christofferson. So not only did we have the opportunity to gather as a mission to hear him speak, but we also were able to shake his hand, it was incredible. He brought three Seventies with him and we got to listen to all four of them speak, as well as President and Sister Mutombo. Sister Mutombo's testimony was especially powerful because she spoke to us in English, which is incredible for a woman who couldn't really speak anything but French a few months ago. The Seventies and President talked about our commission to preach the gospel and gather scattered Israel. It was so amazing to watch the Lord answer our prayers. I've heard so many missionaries talk about how we can know if we are finding scattered Israel and Elder Haynie told us that "Scattered Israel keeps Commitments." Those who are truly ready for the gospel will do what is necessary to repent and come unto Christ. With regards to working with members, he also said, "Scattered Israel hangs around Gathered Israel." We all have friends outside the church and if we are truly living the gospel, we will attract like minded people, the believing blood he called it.

Elder Christofferson got up and talked about why we are all in this mission, well, one of the reasons. He told us that we are here because we all have something vital to learn from President and Sister Mutombo specifically. He also talked about how we are all companions in the work of the Lord, the 15 of the First Presidency and Apostles to the 8 Quorums of Seventy, and finally down to the 70,000 missionaries worldwide. Then he did something even greater, he opened it up for questions! None of us spoke for at least half a minute, I think that none of us wanted to go first. But after someone finally asked a question, the flood just seemed to open, but I noticed a theme. A lot of the missionaries were asking about what to do if we are feeling inadequate and other things like that. It was amazing to watch Elder Christofferson, the Seventies, and President answer each question with such care and love. Afterwards Elder Christofferson bore his testimony of Jesus Christ and we dismissed. Afterwards, I was talking with Elder Moffett and he said, "Hey, Elder Christofferson's right behind you." I turned around and he was less than 5 feet from me, walking to his car. It was amazing! 

So yeah, highlight of a lifetime.

Love you all,
Elder Howell


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