Wet Weather

Hey everyone,

This'll probably be a short email, we've been running around, trying to get everything done today. 

There isn't much to report this week, I conducted my first District Meeting last week, as well as one yesterday. Last week we talked all about hope and this week was humility. As a Zone, we've been trying to focus on Christlike attributes and why it is important to acquire them on our missions. 

Friday was the other big day, we had exchanges with the Zone Leaders so Elder Nelson and I got to run around Savage Mill for the day while Elder Teske and Elder Jacobson drove around Ellicott City. We had Correlation in the morning with Brother Tobey then had the Sisters drop us off near their apartment so we could do some work before heading home, also to conserve miles because we were really low. We had enough time to walk for a bit then grab a bite of lunch before it started pouring a natural East Coast storm. The Sisters dropped off umbrellas for us and we started heading home. After about 15 minutes though, our legs were soaked and we decided that the umbrellas weren't really doing anything, so we just embraced the rain. After another half hour or so, we were walking through rain up to our ankles on the sidewalks and we were more soaked then I'd ever been in my life. When we got home, we had to throw all our clothes in the dryer to dry them out. Later we had another lesson with Florence and her son, Biambe, came downstairs as well. We had an awesome discussion about the Plan of Salvation and extended the invitation for them to be Baptized on September 29th. They said they'd pray about it and tell us at church. Sadly they didn't come to church, but Elder Teske and I stopped by after dinner and talked to Florence about it. She said that she overslept, so she asked us to text her next week to make sure she's awake. 

We were stopping by members on Saturday and when we knocked on a family's door, the parents weren't there, but their kids were, as well as the kids' grandparents. Sadly, the grandparents didn't speak English that well, so we mostly talked through the translations of the kids, but the grandparents had such a sweet conversion story to share with us. They also gave us each a tamale, which was really good. I was a little hesitant at first because they didn't remember if they were spicy or not, but they ended up being really good, so that was a positive during a night where no one was home. 

Love you all and hope you have a great week,

Elder Howell


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