How Many Elders Does It Take To Use A Copy Machine

Hey Everyone,

I'll start with the big news, I'm getting transferred! I'm being sent to the Walkersville Ward in the Frederick Stake.

Now for the week, Tuesday was interesting because we had to stop by the mission office after District Council; I was talking to Elder Peters, the housing coordinator, and he asked me where I was. When I told him Savage Mill, he glanced at his computer and told me that he'll be closing my apartment this transfer, so to make sure we pack everything up. So that was Elder Mitchell's and my first clue that we were both leaving, which was kind of a weird feeling. So the rest of the week we've been packing up, which has included a massive weight machine that no one has any idea how we got it. The Assistants are coming by with the truck later today to load it up to make Elder Peter's job easier when he comes to empty the apartment. 

Saturday was the other big day this week, we had the blitz all day long. We all met at the library in Savage and talked about how the day was going to go, then we split off, almost all of us with Members, and went out for the day. To be totally honest, I'm not going to share what happened with the lessons that we had simply because of the sacred nature of what happened in those meetings. But I'll simply say this, the church is true, and miracles still occur today! Never underestimate the impact we can have by sharing our experiences. We talked with Brother Vaughn and the Sisters at the end of the night and we discussed how we can best use this experience to push the ward to do more missionary work.

Then we had Fast and Testimony meeting, which had three major themes, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, Missionary Work, and the Book of Mormon. Wow, it was a powerful meeting, I was a little sad that I missed the first part until the sacrament, and that's where my subject line comes in. About 10 minutes before the meeting started, Brother Vaughn came up to us and asked us to go copy the programs, so Elder Mitchell and I went into the Library, quickly joined by CYSA, who happened to be in the building, and started trying to make copies. After 20 minutes, who knows how many attempts, and a full system reboot, the four of us managed to work together to make a single copy. After we figured it out, we quickly made the other 50 copies the Bishopric asked for. So that was our adventure for the week. 

I forgot to mention, but because of the blitz, we found 7 or 8 new people to teach, and with our combined teaching pools, the Sisters will have their work cut out for them this next transfer! 

Love you all,
Elder Howell

The workout machine, before and after I took it apart.


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