18 Months and a Dash of Snow

Hey Everyone,

This week really blazed by so hopefully I remember everything I wanted to say in the email.

Tuesday was amazing, During MLC, I received some pretty amazing revelation about how I needed to shape District Council this past week, so we had a good long discussion about Divine Identity. Then I got to go on exchanges with Elder Moffett, the first time we've been able to work together since the MTC, so that was pretty awesome. We got a lot of great work done, including starting to teach a recent convert's parents, which is super awesome. Elder Moffett and I had a good long talk after we went home that helped me realize how much has changed since our MTC days, most of it in a good way, we both have very different views of the world than we had back then.

Wednesday was awesome because we were having our normal Book of Mormon class, when Bishop poked his head in and said that two people walked into the church and were asking questions about us. So we sat down with them and ended up teaching them the Restoration of the Gospel. Sadly they live in the Zone Leaders' area, so we passed them off, but it was still a cool miracle.

Thursday and Friday were fun because it was freezing cold and windy, so we had to lean into the wind in order to ride our bikes in a straight line. We also got to teach a  guy that the Spanish Elders sent us, and his wife. It's amazing to see how many different people have the same questions, his wife kept asking us why there are so many churches, so we taught them about the Restoration and the Great Apostasy. Saturday was my 18 month mark and the ward celebrated by asking us to set up for the Chili cook-off that night. Setting up and the cook-off were lots of fun.

Church was cancelled yesterday because we got about 4 inches of snow Saturday night, so we spent pretty much the whole day shoveling snow around one of the neighborhoods that have a lot of members in it and is right across the highway from our apartment. We had a couple of members invite us in for Hot Chocolate and one member even took us across the street to talk to his neighbor, so that was pretty great. And we're supposed to get even more so on Saturday, so that means more chances to talk to people!

I love you all,


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