Blink and you miss it

Hey Everyone,

This week was crazy fast, we were sitting in our apartment at the end of the day of Saturday and looked at each other and said, "Is tomorrow really Sunday?" It was crazy.

Tuesday I got to go on Exchanges with the Zone Leaders, which was a lot of fun, I got to meet a few people from the Braddock Heights ward as well as a couple of people the Zone Leaders are teaching; one of them took me back to my Harbor days because they talked exactly like people in Baltimore, which was really cool. As we were talking, I could hear my Baltimore accent start slipping in again, which I thought was pretty funny.

Wednesday and Thursday were filled with planning and biking; we were able to have an awesome lesson with a part member family about Christ's Ministry. It was super awesome. Friday was the highlight of my week though. Every month, the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders meet with President and the Assistants and talk about the mission, but this month they invited all the District Leaders as well. So there were 50+ of us in a 9 hour meeting about how we can help move the mission forward. Suffice it to say that the Spirit left me exhausted with how much revelation I got during that meeting. All the leaders have been noticing that the culture in the mission isn't exactly what we want it to be, so a lot of our discussion during the afternoon session was about how we can make the culture better, and we got a ton of good ideas. It surprised me at how much began at the district level and how much more of an influence for good I can be.

Saturday was back to work as normal, which meant a lot of biking. The Assistants knocked on someone's door across the street from the church after MLC and they invited us back. So we met them with Brother Wight, which was super awesome. We were walking down the street, I saw a light on in a less active's house that I've tried about a thousand times and we've never met him, and the ward hasn't had very much contact with him. So we knocked on his door again and he opened up and let us right in. We had an awesome talk with him and found out a lot of really useful information, so miracles! During the evening, no one was home, so we decided to bike up to the northern part of our ward to contact a less active that I've seen at church a couple of times in the past month, but he's always slipped out before I can talk to him. Well he wasn't home either so we biked home, making it a full 20 miles for biking that evening. We both slept like rocks that night.

Wasn't Sunday cool? The two hour block is super cool! And it left us a ton of time in the afternoon to get some awesome work done. We visited one of the active members, and they had another member family over, so we were able to talk to them, then we were able to coordinate a bit more with the first family on how they can best help move the work forward. The Lord truly is hastening his work and it's amazing to be a part of.

Love you all,

Elder Howell


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