
Hey Everyone 

Sorry I didn't email yesterday, President wanted us out during the holiday so he switched Preparation Day to today. And we were gonna help our Ward Mission Leader with his radiator, but he just called us saying that it was just a leak, not his water pump, so now we're just chilling at the church. 

This week has been filled with lots of walking in the freezing cold because it was too cold to bike. We had interviews all of Tuesday, President and I talked a lot about prioritization with everything that is required of us. It was a really good talk. I also got to give my first Baptismal interview that day, so that was interesting being on the other side of the desk, metaphorically saying. 

We had a few lessons throughout the rest of the week, we had a good lesson with Kalil on Friday, resetting our vision for why we meet together. We met with an older couple that we found last week, not sure how solid they are, but they are nice and willing to talk to us, which is important when it is below 20 degrees all the time. 

We also got a call from the mission office saying that the missionaries 6 months ago never turned in some paperwork for a baptism back then, so I've been trying to piece everything together since then, thankfully I only need a couple of signatures now.

The funniest thing that happened this week was that we were walking around on Sunday night and I tripped over a huge lip in the sidewalk and came within about a foot of face planting on the concrete, my hands were in my pockets too, so there would've been no catching myself if I hadn't gotten my foot under me in time. 

I think that that's about all I have for this week.

Love you all,
Elder Howell


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