Dec. 31, 2018

Hey Everyone,

So the most exciting thing this week was the bikes. While we were biking to the Cleveland's for Christmas Eve dinner, Elder Jackson's tire blew out again. And yes, it was the same tire as the previous Saturday. We ended up getting a ride from Brother Cleveland, but he could only fit one bike in his car, so I had to ride alongside while Elder Jackson rode in the car with Brother Cleveland. We called Elder Llewelyn to see if he had an extra tread, he did but he said he wasn't going to be able to get it to us until Thursday, so we left our bikes at Brother Cleveland's and worked on foot until Thursday. Thankfully, Brother Cleveland dropped us off at the Pratt's and we were able to visit with them for a while until we walked home, which wasn't too far because they live in our neighborhood.

Then Christmas came and went, I loved talking to my family, y'all are the best, then we were able to have dinner with our Relief Society President and her whole family. They honestly reminded me a bit of my family, if I had two brothers and a sister instead of three sisters, but it was the same sense of humor, as well as really good food.

Wednesday we did a ton of walking, it was like West York all over again, tons of walking. I don't have really any time left so suffice it to say that we got our miles in this week. Don't remember who said it, probably Shakespeare, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Everyone's schedule was messed up because of the holidays, but because of the holidays, everyone was home so we were able to have some lessons with some awesome members and set some goals for the new year. We were also able to sit down and talk with Kalil again, the military has had him running around so much that it's been hard to keep up with him, but we finally did it.

Love you all and hope you have an amazing week.


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