Feb. 25, 2019

Hey Everyone,

It was kind of an up and down week, but I'm going to focus on the positives in the interest of time.

We have this guy that we're teaching who Elder Patterson was teaching his first transfer but stopped meeting with the missionaries last transfer. A couple weeks ago he called us up and asked to meet again. As Elder Patterson has told me about their lessons before versus our lessons now, it's amazing to watch how God can prepare his children even more for the Gospel in such little time. He is so willing to learn now because he recognized the Spirit missing from his life when he stopped meeting with the missionaries, which is super awesome.

We also got to sit down and talk with a guy that Elder Patterson has been trying to get in with for weeks. we asked him about his past experiences with missionaries, apparently they used to come by a few years ago, then he asked us about a couple of things that he had heard about the church from Southpark. That lead to my first time teaching the 116 pages in a lesson, which was interesting, but he understood it afterwards and I think it helped him understand the Book of Mormon a bit better. He also gave us hot dogs, honestly, really good hot dogs.

We had a lesson with a family that Elder Patterson really loves, and I can understand why, they are a really sharp family. It had been a little while since we had been able to sit down and formally teach them, so we asked a couple questions to see what they remember, and they remembered pretty much everything, including the fact that John the Baptist held the authority to baptize Christ. 

And the Highlight of the week, Izabella got baptized! We had lessons with their family twice this week, once to go over the interview questions, and the other lesson was for the actual interview, which she passed with flying colors. During the second lesson, I got to have an interesting conversation with her Dad, he's from Panama so we talked about the country a bit. The baptism itself was incredible. We had it alongside a baptism for one of the other kids in the ward and it reminded me of my own baptism a bit. 

I love you all, The church is true, the book is blue. I know it and you can too, you just have to give it a try.

Elder Howell


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