There are no bad examples

Hey Everybody,

Elder Patterson and I were both fighting colds this week so we were moving a bit slower than before, but all in all it was still a pretty good week. 

We had an awesome lesson with a lady named Destiny on Tuesday, she's a less active's daughter. She was really touched by the Book of Mormon. We ended up doing weekly planning on Wednesday instead of our normal Thursday because Elder Patterson felt really sick.

We decided to pull out of the city a bit, so we stayed in Essex all day Thursday. We ended up tracting all day and got rejected by every single door we knocked on. The one miracle we saw was while we were walking down the road on our way back to our apartment for dinner. There was a small 9/11 memorial and an old Vietnam Vet sitting on a bench. We went over and started talking to him and ended up having an amazing conversation about God's love and how he helps us in our trials. I told him the story about footprints in the sand, it's a poem about how Christ carries us through our trials, I highly recommend you all look it up if you don't know it. By the end, Harvey (that was the vet's name) was crying and opened up to us about how his mom is actually a member, she's in a care home in the ward. It was honestly one of the most spiritual conversations I've had.

On Friday, we were walking to a lesson with Isabella when a guy called us over. Apparently he is a super less active member who is in a deep hole and been humbled by the Lord. He was driving by and saw us walking down the road and felt like he needed to talk to us. So we got his address and told him we'd go by the next day, sadly he wasn't there and he seemed a bit flustered when he saw us, so we think the house number may have been a bit off cause the address he gave us is a lumber yard. Our lesson with Isabella went well, we're still on track for the 23rd, we had a lesson with a couple of recent converts of a previously part member family, which was really interesting because these kids have been my first time teaching kids, and that's a whole new ballpark. 

Saturday was a long day because we had 4 or 5 appointments set throughout the day, we never had time to go back to our apartment for studies, and all the appointments fell through. So we kept working all day, despite the buses not being the most cooperative in the world. We had an incredibly scattered lesson with a guy we picked up my first day here, probably the most in depth I've ever gone into the creation in a lesson. 

Sunday we had a lesson with a guy named Kevin, while we were talking to him he was talking about his childhood, he said, "There are no bad examples, only good examples of what not to do." He was a really chill guy.

Well I got to go, love you all,
Elder Howell


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