Y'all got a pronoun problem

Hey Everyone,

This has been a fun week out here in Baltimore. Readjusting to the bus schedule has been interesting, we literally have to plan our lives around when the bus is going to come. Brother Wight drove me down to Essex and Elder Patterson and I got right to work. We stopped by one potential and he let us right in. We started teaching the Restoration and when we got to the first vision, he went off on how the trinity doesn't make sense, the most memorable phrase was, "Y'all got a pronoun problem." It was hilarious. 

Then on Thursday we had a lesson with a recent convert family, the kids got baptized a couple of weeks ago. Probably the craziest lesson I've ever had because not only was that family there, but also two of the mom's sisters and their families, so including us, there were more than 20 people in that room, most of them kids, so yeah, that was fun.

Friday we had a lesson with a part member family, their daughter is getting baptized on the 23rd. We've spent a bunch of time on the bus this week, as we will every week because it takes us 45 minutes to get down to Dundalk, which is where we spend a bunch of our time. 

As I'm sure you all know, the super bowl was yesterday, and we saw some miracles. We found an unlocked door to an apartment building. So we knocked on a few of the doors and one family let us in. They muted the game and we talked for about 10 minutes then invited us back for later this week. We also stopped by a guy who we had talked to a few days earlier, he wasn't there, but his brother was, so we taught him. He had a hard time understanding what a prophet was, but he loved what we had to share.

Love you all, 
Elder Howell


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