April 22, 2019

Hey Everyone,

So first the big news, I'm getting transferred again. We remain in the pattern of getting transferred every two transfers and getting a new companion every 6 weeks. I'm staying in the stake though, which means that I've served in 4 of the 8 units in this stake. They're sending me to the YSA ward, so my apartment is only about 20-30 minutes from my old apartment. 

In all honesty, not a whole lot happened this week. We helped a member move some furniture, we needed to have another male come with us. It was the middle of the day so we had a little trouble finding a man to come with us. But we managed to find a guy, and he took us out to eat afterwards, which was really good. 

We also helped an older couple in the ward with this missionary project that they do every holiday where they make and pass out cookies to potentials and people we are teaching. So we help them make the cookies, then we went out with the other elders to deliver them, which was a lot of fun. 

Those were really the biggest things that happened this week, so here are some pictures. 

Hope you all had a happy Easter!
-Elder Howell

1, 3. The City
2, 9. Dundalk
5, 7. Dinner with the Gonçalves, the Deandrades, and the Brojans.
8. Elders Secret Combinations
6. Elder Welling on a bus
4. Spring in Essex


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