I'm the lord of Baltimore

Hey Everyone,

We had exchanges this week so Elder Coombs and I took on the city. We ended up finding three new people to teach, so that was fun. Also rearranged the upper level of the apartment so the bedroom is now the work out room and the workout room is now the bedroom. It flows better in my opinion.

Friday was an adventure too, mostly because my bus card quit on me while we were down in the city, so I ended up coercing my way back to East Point Mall so we could go down to Dundalk. While we were waiting for the bus, some guy started giving away a day pass and he gave it to me. So miracles! We also had a super cool dinner with the Dawkins.

On Saturday we called Elder Everts and he had to mail me a new card, so we had to get a ride from the other elders down to John Hopkins Hospital, where the Metro stop is (Inner Harbor ward, yaay!!) so I could buy a week pass, so that was fun. We did get to have dinner with the Willems that night and I learned a ton about Native American and Gang culture. Brother Willem is half Native and both he and Sister Willem were or are Baltimore cops, so they know a lot about both topics. 

On Sunday, we had an interesting event, so I'm going to let Elder Welling tell you about that:" We got a call from the elders serving in the Susquehanna ward and they told us that a nonmember man called them, by the name of Kenny, and that he wanted to attend our church. So they handed him over to us as a referral because he lives within our boundaries. So we call him and give him the details of church and set up an appointment to come and meet with him in person. Well.. Fast forward a week and here he shows up at church, he is an older man, and drove taxi night time shift in the city of Baltimore for 40 years straight. Haha so he has seen some wild things. Anyway, he came on fast and testimony meeting. So while sitting there he leans over to my companion Elder Howell and asks, "Hey can I get up there? And do you think they have an outlet for my tape-recorder?" instantly fear comes over my companion,.. Like what the heck was on his tape recorder?? Haha anyways we thought it was strange. Then during priesthood, our friend Kenny stands up in the middle of the lesson and literally declares himself as the Prophet in front of the entire priesthood body... He then goes on and says that he is the lord of Baltimore. My companion, who was sitting with him in priesthood, sunk sooooo deep into his chair.. Hahaha anyways, it was super embarrassing. Kenny also had an entire presentation to show Bishop Fa, and the rest of the ward.. So I'm super concerned about what was actually on that tape recorder.. The whole time Kenny is standing in front of the congregation declaring himself as Prophet, he was telling everyone how he can see the future and then he started to prophesy and tell us about things that are to come in 6 weeks time. It was CRAZY!!"

So yeah, probably the most humiliating time of my life... Yay for being guilty by association! Then we had some Nigerian bash us that night, telling us that we were the church of Satan, so he's obviously a positive influence in the world. 

We had some other lessons this week but those were the major stories from this week.

Love you all,
Elder Howell


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