
Hey Everyone! So Zone Conference was probably the biggest thing that happened this week. It was amazing, we learned a ton about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. One of the Zone Leaders and I had an interesting conversation during one of the breakouts. We were talking about how we can best utilize the Atonement in our lives, and frankly, we were struggling a bit with it, but eventually, I had the thought to change the question a bit. So instead of asking what the Atonement can do for us, we asked, How can Christ better utilize us through the Atonement, and that opened up a whole new world of discussion. The end of Zone Conference was really good too, but for a different reason. At the end of each Zone Conference, the departing missionaries give their departing testimony, and since there are 29+ going home this transfer, there were 8 of us there on Friday. After we all said our piece, Elder Steenblik, one of the Assistants, got up and said that he wasn't going home, but he had ne...