
Hey Everyone!

So Zone Conference was probably the biggest thing that happened this week. It was amazing, we learned a ton about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. One of the Zone Leaders and I had an interesting conversation during one of the breakouts. We were talking about how we can best utilize the Atonement in our lives, and frankly, we were struggling a bit with it, but eventually, I had the thought to change the question a bit. So instead of asking what the Atonement can do for us, we asked, How can Christ better utilize us through the Atonement, and that opened up a whole new world of discussion. The end of Zone Conference was really good too, but for a different reason. At the end of each Zone Conference, the departing missionaries give their departing testimony, and since there are 29+ going home this transfer, there were 8 of us there on Friday. After we all said our piece, Elder Steenblik, one of the Assistants, got up and said that he wasn't going home, but he had neglected to announce the rest of the program. The President opened closing remarks by saying that he isn't going home either, he's still sticking around for another two years. So needless to say that by the end of the closing prayer, we were all pretty trunky and it was honestly hilarious. I felt a little bad for those missionaries who have only been in the field a month or two, but I was laughing at Elder Welling, who goes home in 9 weeks.

So the reasoning for my subject line, if you remember way back when I was with Elder Haslam in Inner Harbor, I came across the term Jehovah-jireh in Genesis, which means "The Lord will Provide." Well, I had a huge experience concerning this subject this week. Last Monday, I tried sending a package home, but the UPS Store near my apartment had terrible reviews, as did pretty much every UPS Store in the city, something about stuff always going missing, hmmm? The only store that had good reviews was the one in Towson, and since we were wanting to go to the mall up there anyway, I trekked my box all the way up there on a bus. We walked into the store and very quickly found out that it was going to be way more expensive that I thought to send it. The clerk, who was honestly very nice and helpful, gave me a couple of options, so we went to the mall to see if the post office in there could send it, but alas, that office is only open for 3 hours on Mondays and we missed the window by 45 minutes. So I sat down, trying to figure out what to do, and decided that there wasn't any way to get that box out this week, so another set of missionaries, who actually have a car, came and picked up the box to give back to me at Zone Conference, and Elder Parkinson and I had a fun time walking around the mall. So fast forward to Wednesday, we were talking to our Elders Quorum President after institute, and I asked him for advice. After some discussion, we found out that a couple of members are going out west during the summer and they can take that bag with them, which was a huge load off my shoulders. 

Final note, we ran into the Inner Harbor Elders on Friday night, and ended up helping them carry some food back to their apartment from the church. While we were in their apartment, I realized that a magnet that I had gotten my first transfer was still on the fridge, so I took a picture. 

Love you all,
Elder Howell


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