As Always, Changes

Hey Everyone,

So on Wednesday while we were waiting for the Walks to pick us up to take Elder Dixon away, we got a call from Elder Steenblik, one of the Assistants. He started off by apologizing, never a good start, and told us he was planning on telling us two days ago, but he had forgotten. Then he informed us that we were switching apartments with the Jones Falls Elders and losing our car. So I'm back to living in the city as opposed to living in the county. It's also my third apartment in this city and sixth in the general area.

As a natural byproduct of shifting everything around, I've had to get used to a new apartment, new companion, and a new way of working because we're back on full bus, which I think is poetic. I started my mission on a bus, and now I'm ending it on a bus. 

It's good though. It's in the perfect location for us, right next to Johns Hopkins campus, so we have much easier access to YSAs. We're also much closer to the church, which is now a 5 bus ride rather than a 20 minute drive. And since most of our members are in the city, working with them will be fairly easy comparatively. Plus we have a pool table and ping pong table with wifi in the basement, so preparation days just got a lot easier. And this apartment actually has overhead lighting, and if you know about architecture on the east coast, you know how rare that is.

As for my companion, hmmmm... Haha we're doing great! He reminds me a little of Elder Teske and a couple of my other past companions, which is a great combination. 

Work wise is still pretty much the same, our long time investigator is going to Philly for a couple weeks, so we won't see her too much, but she's already gotten in touch with the Sisters in Philly, so it's not like she's not going to be in contact with the church. 

Nothing super exciting happened this week, just trying to get adjusted to the new buses. Thankfully I'm familiar enough with the streets to know where I am most of the time, I just have to figure out where the buses are.

I think that's about it, I love you all, here's some pictures,

Elder Howell


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