Hey all, I'll start with an explanation of the subject line. As I mentioned last week, I've decided to read the Old Testament. So this week I read the book of Genesis. There is so much information packed in between those lines that it would take years to explain it all. But one of my biggest take-aways was Jehovah-jireh. It is the name of the mountain that God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac in Genesis 24. I'm not totally sure what language it is since the Hebrew version of Jehovah is Yeshuah, but it translates to English as "God will Provide." I thought it was a very beautiful, if not overly simple, phrase. I had a little bit of fun with it because I hung it on sticky notes throughout the apartment but I wouldn't tell Elder Stafford what it meant so he had to go find it for himself. Needless to say that it was very entertaining for me and I've learned so much in just a week! I can't wait to start Exodus when I get home tonight . ...